The Spring/Summer Webinar Bundle


Save on our upcoming webinar series. Purchase May, June, July (you’ll get instant access to the webinar recording), and August webinars and use promo code WEBINARBUNDLE at checkout to save $90.



The Spring/Summer Webinar Bundle
Live Webinar at 5:00 pm PDT.

May 2, 2024, at 5 PM PDT: The Avoider Parent and the Avoider Child: How the Avoider imprint can grow toward a more secure parenting style and how to help your child who appears emotionally avoidant.

June 6, 2024, at 5 PM PDT: The Pleaser Parent and the Pleaser Child: How the Pleaser imprint can choose to grow toward a more secure parenting style and how to help your child who appears to be the anxious Pleaser.

July 11, 2024, at 5 PM PDT: The Vacillator Parent and the Vacillator Child: How the Vacillator imprint can grow toward a more secure parenting style and how to help your child who appears to be the angsty Vacillator.

August 1, 2024, at 5 PM PDT: The Controller/Victim Parent and the Controller/Victim Child: How the Chaotic / Disorganized imprint can grow toward a more secure parenting style and how to help your child who is the Chaotic / Disorganized style (controller or victim).

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Streaming, Audio (MP3)