Guided Comfort Circle
Watch Kay lead a couple through a comfort circle and discover the root of their core complaint about each other.
Tools for the Comfort Circle
Addressing and Solving a Problem: Guide for the Listener.
Listener: Ask ALL the questions below writing down the answers. Stay in the listener role until you ask every question then switch roles.
Speaker: use list of soul words. (Don’t skip this step!) After you both listen, use the Resolution Page to consider possible resolutions and decisions.
Comfort Circle Guide for the Listener
This worksheet guide helps to increase self-awareness by allowing feelings to surface in order to observe, describe and understand them without judging them as right or wrong, good or bad. Use this worksheet for journaling to deepen your awareness.
How to Understand Your Quiz Results
This PDF will help you to understand your quiz results and will answer the following questions:
- What does the number of my score mean?
- What if I had scores close together in two categories?
- What if I had high scores in three or more categories?
- None of my scores were above 4. What does this mean?
- Where do I start?
10 Romantic Dates & Ideas
We put together 10 Romantic Dates & Ideas as a response to the high pressure of Valentine’s Day. Don’t get us wrong, we love the concept of couples doing something special for each other, but it can be year around and it can be simple. Showing real attention, care and understanding for each other goes a lot further than overpriced flowers and chocolates. We hope you enjoy some of our ideas and that it can help inspire you to other creative ideas.
Resolution: Repairing After a Rupture
This resource will help guide you into your goal to restore connection after an argument or conflict.
Soul Words
A helpful word-reference guide that enables you to accurately describe your feelings (Avoiders will really love this!).
Triggers Worksheet: The Hidden Forces that Fuel Our Reactivity
When a person’s behavior, words, moods or reactions in the present touch a childhood wound in us and remind us of a painful experience in our past we will have an exaggerated response.
Attachment Core Pattern Therapy ACPT ™
Stage 1: Focus on each person’s childhood history that created their injured love style. Each spouse takes ownership of their own style and begins to work through the growth goals in the workbook for their style.
How to Choose a Good Counselor
We are often asked for referrals from all over the United States for therapists who are familiar with our approach. What training should you look for and what questions can you ask to help you find a therapist who will help you grow?
Traits of a Secure Connector
As we work toward a secure attachment we will be able to rate ourselves higher (more strongly agree) in the following areas. We suggest rating yourself now, read How We Love, and then complete the workbook in the back of How We Love.
Learning to Leave Your Parents
This PDF is a guide to you as an adult son or daughter or as the parent of adult sons or daughters as you seek to understand more fully God’s design for the family as it progresses from generation to generation.
Awareness Worksheet: Journaling
Goal: To increase self-awareness by allowing feelings in order to observe, describe and understand them without judging the feelings as right or wrong, good or bad. Use this worksheet for journaling to deepen awareness.