Schedule with Marc

Please fill out the form below if you are interested in individual or couple’s therapy or a couple’s weekend intensive.

Interest Form

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Due to licensure guidelines, Marc is only able to work with therapy clients who are physically in the state of California at the time of service.
Please specify days/times you are available:*
Therapy Setting:*


What is an intensive and how can this help our marriage?

Our intensive is a two-day experience designed to either ‘jump start’ the therapy process or work as a marriage “tune up” for couples whose relationships feel stuck in a rut or who cannot get out of recurring relational frustrations. The intensive is 14 hours spread over two days, which is equivalent to almost seventeen 50-minute sessions, or four month’s worth of therapy time. 

Rather than hashing out specific conflicts, the intensive is designed to help a couple understand the ways their learned attachment styles are colliding and producing a core conflict pattern. Using the Attachment Core Pattern Therapy (ACPT) approach designed by Milan and Kay Yerkovich, Marc aims to help a couple understand their specific core conflict pattern, and provide them with the tools to overcome it. During the intensive process a couple will learn more about their attachment styles and how these were developed, and gain key insights into emotional triggers and reactivity patterns they have developed from childhood needs going unmet which are replaying in their current relationships. By gaining this understanding, the couple will be able to build a template to solve future problems and continued personal growth.

What if we already attend weekly couple’s therapy or what if we will need to once we return home?

Therapy is a collaborative process, and when a couple gains key insights into the origin of their relational problems and patterns of reactivity from the intensive, this can accelerate the relational recovery with another counselor during ongoing weekly therapy sessions. By recognizing the underlying causes of your conflicts (your emotional triggers), you can focus on overcoming these in weekly therapy, rather than getting stuck arguing about the details of the “conflict-of-the-week” or who is in the right.