Building Trust and Safety (September 2023)


Building and maintaining trust in a relationship is critical to its overall success and satisfaction. What are some of the behaviors and attitudes that destroy trust and what will build trust in a friendship? If trust and safety are low, sex will suffer, and conversely if healing and relational security is built, sex will improve. Join us for an important dialogue to help us avoid mistrust and build trust.

Choose between Video Streaming or MP3 download. Each format comes with the Q&A’s asked from the webinar (if applicable) and the Transcript of the entire webinar.



Why Is Satisfying Sex So Difficult to Achieve and Maintain? Webinar Series: Building Trust and Safety
Recorded on September 7, 2023

Building and maintaining trust in a relationship is critical to its overall success and satisfaction. What are some of the behaviors and attitudes that destroy trust and what will build trust in a friendship? If trust and safety are low, sex will suffer, and conversely if healing and relational security is built, sex will improve. Join us for an important dialogue to help us avoid mistrust and build trust.

What Builds trust?

  • Honesty, no secrets
  • Emotionally naked and not ashamed
  • Repentance and honest confession to God and one another… saying no to Satan and the unholy patterns of the world. Romans 12:1-2 God blesses Holy Sex.
  • Learning emotional and spiritual closeness and safety. The comfort Circle becomes a lifestyle. Learning to become emotionally naked and not ashamed.
  • Nonsexual touch
  • Holding times.

What destroys trust?

  • Pornography
  • Secret masturbation
  • Affairs
  • Mental infidelity, learning to bring every thought captive to obedience to Christ. II Corinthians 10:5, and bringing sexual addictions, obsessions, and perversions under control.
  • Learning to address and manage your marital core pattern is critical to decrease irritation and dislike between couples. As we successfully grow, all areas of life will improve including sex.

Additional information


Streaming, Audio (MP3)