
Labor Day Bundle

Original price was: $314.00.Current price is: $139.00.

Labor Day Bundle – $139 (a $314 value!)

  • Learning to Engage in Conversations (audio download)
  • 12 Questions That Will Change Any Relationship (audio and pdf downloads)
  • Comfort Circle Demonstration (video)
  • Love Styles Complete Lecture Series (9 audio downloads)
  • Core Patterns Complete Series (9 audio files and 9 pdf downloads)



Learning to Engage in Conversations

Do you ever feel like you’re stumbling around in the dark when it comes to important conversations with your loved ones? In this lecture , we discuss what each Love Style must learn to successfully navigate the tricky talks we encounter. And remember the Comfort Circle? Milan and Kay provide an unrehearsed demonstration so you can experience its power in a real relationship and gain new insight for your own.

12 Questions That Will Change Any Relationship

Have you noticed most people don’t know how to listen? The Comfort Circle teaches us to listen well. These 12 questions function as a guide for the listener and provide a roadmap for successfully listening to another person. In this guide, we give you each question and then discuss why it is important in the process of exploring the inner world of another person. You can also use these questions as a journaling exercise to increase self-awareness and prepare to express yourself with insight and clarity.

Comfort Circle Demonstration

Watch Milan and Kay work with a couple during a live workshop as we coach them through the comfort circle. In this video we help Mallory and Daniel take turns listening to one another starting with the question, “What bugs you most about me?” Our goal is to help this couple learn that what irritates them about their spouse is likely something that brings up painful childhood experiences.

Your purchase Includes the tools used by Mallory and Daniel so you can try this exercise with someone you love:

  • A one-hour streaming video
  • A diagram of the Comfort Circle (PDF)
  • A List of Soul words used by the speaker (PDF)
  • A Comfort Circle Guide for the Listener: A list of 12 questions that can be used to help guide a conversation (PDF)

Love Styles Complete Lecture Series (9 audio downloads)

This audio download gives an amazing overview of all the Love Styles (including the Secure Connector), Core Pattern combinations, and the Comfort Circle. It will give you new insights into all your relationships with family, friends, and at work. Download the entire Love Styles lecture series! This series contains 9 MP3 audio downloads, including two exclusive Love Style overview lessons available only in this set!

This collection includes the following files:

  1. Overview – Part 1 (Exclusive!)
  2. Overview – Part 2 (Exclusive!)
  3. Core Patterns: Love Style Combinations (Exclusive!)
  4. The Avoider
  5. The Pleaser
  6. The Vacillator
  7. The Controller & Victim
  8. Comfort Circle
  9. Secure Connector

Core Patterns Complete Series (9 audio files and 9 pdf downloads)

This complete set includes all nine of the Attachment Core Pattern Therapy lectures, including a FREE copy of the audio download Growing Out of Your Core Pattern (Stages of Growth). Each of the nine core patterns contains a one hour audio file along with a detailed PDF file. Therapist will find these core pattern PDF’s to be a great handout for clients.

Each of the 9 PDF files is (13-22) pages depending on the combination). Each of the nine files contains:

  • A diagram of the Core Pattern.
  • Bullet point descriptions of each love style.
  • An explanation of the initial attraction.
  • Explanation of each person’s experience when the core pattern is activated in the relationship.
  • Common complaints caused by the collision of two love styles
  • Individual growth steps for each style.
  • Interventions to exit the core pattern at each step of the repetitive cycle.

When two of these problematic love styles collide in adult romantic relationship couples are unwittingly re-creating a primary attachment relationship similar to their family of origin. Eventually, when the facades begin to disappear and conflict ensues, a core pattern of reactivity begins to form which becomes a repetitive fight or way of interacting that repeats over and over. These core patterns are unexplored, automatic, predictable and as so far as the couple goes, involuntary. Interventions are targeted at helping each person see their part of the destructive dance and using a comfort circle to create a new successful pattern of relating.

We prefer to see couples together (not individually) as these reactive patterns are best observed when couples are interacting and regulation is best learned within the primary attachment relationship.

Therapists will find this a great handout for clients.

  1. Core Pattern Overview mp3 + pdf (FREE)
  2. Vacillator–Controller mp3 + pdf
  3. Vacillator–Avoider mp3 + pdf
  4. Vacillator–Vacillator mp3 + pdf
  5. Vacillator–Pleaser mp3 + pdf
  6. Avoider–Pleaser mp3 + pdf
  7. Controller–Victim mp3 + pdf
  8. Avoider-Avoider & Pleaser-Pleaser mp3 + pdf
  9. Avoider-Controller mp3 + pdf

Each lecture in the ACPT series comes with a downloadable PDF, which includes a graph of the Core Pattern and all applicable interventions.


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